9 Key Benefits of Using Agile Methodology

Written By
Rakhi Sethi
Last updated at August 16, 2022
9 Key Benefits of Using Agile Methodology

Teams, project managers, business owners, and software engineers all employ agile methodology, which is undoubtedly one of the most excellent and well-liked project management techniques. 


The agile methodology's progressive and adaptable qualities make it suited for managing complex projects.


Given this, why is agile so popular with project leaders across all industries, or is it coupled with other frameworks? The answers can be found in the numerous advantages agile methodology offers users.


Thus, this article will cover the nine fundamental benefits of using agile methodology for your software development. 


What is Agile Software Development?


In agile software development, you can break down big software projects into smaller-sized development cycles known as sprints. Every sprint can stay for two to four weeks, where teams produce specific product features and release a prototype to the customers. 


Then clients examine the prototype and give feedback, through which your team can make changes before moving to the following product features. This continuous feedback teaches you how to enhance the software to fulfil user needs, like the taste testing you perform while creating delicious food.


Within the enormous umbrella of agile methods, your development teams can pick various approaches such as scrum methodologies, lean software evolution, kanban, functionality-driven development, extreme programming etc.


Benefits of Using Agile Methodology


Let’s analyse the advantages of utilising agile processes. 


1. On-Time Delivery


As we know, your team can use the scrum approach in the agile method. Sprints or iterations usually stay 1-4 weeks, allowing for planned software development. 


Thus, the agile, iterative method refers to short periods that provide the correct thing at the proper time. You can also focus on design and testing simultaneously to reduce on-time delivery. 


Your teams will deliver the required features first while simplifying overall workflows to quicken the whole product development cycle. This method works more sufficiently than the traditional waterfall technique. It directly depends on working software instead of prolonged documentation.


2. Expected Costs


Agile methods greatly help in saving costs. Its cost-evaluating strategies rely on a system that lets developers predict the budget correctly. Only the necessary features are built to avoid wasting time and resources, including sprints, MVPs, and unit testing.


Also, your project manager or mediators are not needed to be a part of the team, saving additional expenditures. Your group can better plan future iterations based on previous learnings, resulting in further cost reductions.


3. Clarity


All teams are easily aligned because everything is specified correctly from the beginning. Developers and project owners can keep an eye on everything from planning to deployment and provide constant feedback to the application before and after each iteration to ensure all goals are achieved.


Further, you can make all your stakeholders updated via daily reports and tools to maintain everyone on the same page. So agile provides transparent workflows through which you can control and monitor the product development cycle. 


4. More Productivity


You can measure your team’s performance using various tools and metrics such as lead and cycle span, planned-to-done ratios, fallen deployment, velocity, interaction burndown, etc. 


Each team member can concentrate on one task simultaneously, making them highly productive. Developers, designers, and coders are free to choose their jobs rather than adhere to managerial directives or organisational hierarchies. 


Software teams can better understand the end goals and responsibilities in the process since information and purposes are not compartmentalised. It keeps them motivated and concentrated.


5. Guaranteed Quality of Software


Agile methodologies guarantee quality because you perform testing at every iteration; codes will be debugged, errors will fix, and efficiency will always be preserved. 


Thus, your team knows multiple iterations and understands what works in every probable scenario. It gives them the time to correct the software product when it’s ready to release. 


Further, QA (quality analysis) is part of the scrum team. However, everyone on the team is responsible for writing high-quality code. 


Further, to ensure the best quality, teams should be committed entirely to the agile methodology to provide the best quality to ensure the best quality. Teams may be more productive and responsive if iterations are shorter.


6. Engagement of Customers 


The first focus of the agile approach is customer engagement and satisfaction. Its motto states, "Our greatest aim is to please the customer via early and continual delivery of valuable software,"


No matter how significant the code is, the product will not regard as successful if the client is unsatisfied and the features don’t conform to their objective. Each iteration should furnish significance. 


Moreover, agile gives internal stakeholders and the users of the end product priority over procedures. Customer feedback is ingrained in the process to enhance quality continuously.


7. Risk Lessening


Throughout the entire process of developing a product, risk management is utilised. After the Scrum team has identified the risks, they develop action plans. 


However, the action plans are carried out and constantly monitored due to the standard style of iterations and corrections and the overall project level.


Therefore your team can identify risks at comprehensive levels at the beginning of the project. And also analyse top prioritised threats with checklists before the execution. 


8. Team Cooperation


Siloes are decomposed through agile technologies and techniques, allowing your teams to collaborate without unnecessary delays and red tape. Agile teams employ problem-solving in regular communication to create cross-functional abilities and create open channels for concepts.


9. Company ROI


Agile also prioritises business value along with the first precept of customer satisfaction. Development teams will have the product backlog to provide the most useful, intermediate product in time. 


Each sprint demands user feedback, delivering value to the final product. The product owner will be responsible for improving the ROI by prioritising the product backlog. So agile methods furnish faster and have better ROI than traditional techniques. 


Final Thoughts 


A universal solution, the agile approach, can assist you in raising the standard of your services, products, and company. Agile can also be the foundation for developing a customised management strategy that combines an old concept with a modern, adaptable one.


As a result, your project management system is more adaptable, allowing you to change your procedures as necessary.


Moreover, are you looking for a reliable software development partner to help you recognise your software product idea using an agile approach?


Then you can rely on Noetic IT Services, which can assist you in building a custom software product that adds value and boosts profits. So contact us today. 


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