What are the charcteristics of a Great App?

Written By
Ravi K Nair
Technical Content Strategist
Last updated at December 14, 2022
What are the charcteristics of a Great App?

You can’t say it enough, but it's worth repeating: a well-built mobile app can skyrocket your business. When you cater to your target audience via their mobile devices, you improve the user experience and customer loyalty. The key to better app performance is understanding the development process and its importance. By doing this, your customers will come back for more.


Having a mobile app developed is not as easy as one might think. It's important to go through a comprehensive app development process that considers the right app features and delivers your users an excellent app design. 5 things you should consider if you want your app to be successful:


What makes mobile applications so powerful?


A mobile app is one of the best ways to achieve your business goals. This option allows you to create features that are tailored to your target audience without having to worry about how they'll function on large screens.


There are many apps available right now, and it can be tough to compete as a result. The goal is often to be one of the most popular apps in the marketplace, with usage on average around 20–30%.


Many companies are trying to mimic the success of apps like Instagram, while others have a more modest goal. Whatever you're aiming for, one thing is clear: the app market is growing, and if you want to be successful, you'll need an app.


That's a great question, and you're in luck because there are apps that do that quite well. These applications address common consumer needs and provide plenty of ways to differentiate your company from the competition. A great marketing plan can set you up for success, but mobile app development is crucial as well and should be planned out as a long-term process.


Successful apps for mobile devices have more than a great marketing strategy. These apps tend to have a few key features in common; before you even start to create your app, make sure that you're keeping these characteristics in mind.


The 5 characteristics of a successful app


  • Great UI


What makes a great app is the first impression it leaves on people. This can happen in mere seconds, and people are naturally drawn to apps that make a good first impression. How can your mobile app make a great first impression? The key is to focus on your UI and make sure it's user-friendly.


The appearance and performance of your software app are crucial to its success, especially with free apps, which have a very high churn rate. If your app falls behind in an aspect that rivals excel at, many users will simply not bother to learn more about it.


Winning apps pretend to be hardware-driven, with a focus on intuitive and unobtrusive designs. The UI should have a clear function and narrowly drawn information on the screen. Lots of extra features or design details will take away from what’s important.


Applications that win focus on the primary task. The best apps allow users to get in and out quickly, with no steps forgotten or left out. To make your UI most intuitive and user-friendly, it's important to optimise the content into easily navigable paths. Make sure everything is logical so that your users never have to think too hard about figuring out how to achieve a goal.


  • Performance


Have you ever used an app that took forever to load, crashed, froze, or shut down? It probably didn’t work out too well for you. If an app doesn't work correctly, it's not going to be a success.


If your app takes too long to load, it will be avoided by users. Apps should take less than five seconds to load, but even more complex apps like Facebook sometimes take a bit longer because they often contain large amounts of data. Facebook is pretty popular for one very simple reason: it keeps busy users engaged in their content. Mobile app developers should try to tap into this tendency by showing a loading process at the start of the app that informs users they’re working on it. Then your users will be less likely to abandon your app!


Every app developer wants their product to rank highly and be excellent. Apps that crash constantly are ignored by users and will never reach their potential.


  • Customer Support


Not everyone who uses mobile devices is tech-savvy, so it's important to carefully consider who your target market is. There will always be people who need installation help or have general pre- or post-purchase inquiries. A winning app will have outstanding customer service that is available to answer any questions. Customers come in contact with these great customer service agents more than once, which could make it more likely that they'll buy another app or recommend the current app to friends and family.


In order to save time, it’s a good idea to create FAQs for your users. Alternatively, you can use a machine-learning bot (which will interact with your users) and target the most frequent questions from there. For other individual inquiries, reach out to our team of specialists, who are qualified to provide top-notch support.

Taking feedback and making updates

  • Paying attention to User’s needs


It's clear that everyone wants to create a great app these days. But it doesn't matter how good it is if you can't keep your users interested. Maximizing customer value is essential to your business. Listening to user feedback will help you improve this. Hiring a real-time CRM, for example, can verify if your customers have encountered any bugs, and it can also make changes in an efficient way with updates as well as fix security flaws in time.


Different operating systems make this easier or harder. Make sure to consult with an app development company about what your best alternatives are and how they can help you achieve your business goals.


  • Compatibility


In order for a mobile app to be successful, it should be compatible with the operating system (specifically, iOS and Android) that it is developed for. These mobile apps work to take advantage of the natural qualities of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This is why we focus on the user experience of our app.


When building your mobile app, first consider the operating system you’ll be using, as well as the guidelines and best practises for each different app store. Familiarize yourself with a mobile device’s native features and avoid using new features that may damage the UI. For example, notifications are a good way of keeping in touch with your users; avoid introducing any elements that detract from this 


Wrapping up


Competition is high in the app market, but that doesn’t mean your mobile app can't be different from the others. If you take advantage of all opportunities for mobile apps, such as how many people are using them and how you can use them anywhere, then you stand a good chance of winning customers away from the competition. Every day, we see that there are more and more apps released. The trick is to come up with a marketing strategy as well as an engaging app idea.


Team up with a knowledgeable app development team in order to make your mobile app as successful as possible. Make sure you talk it through and take note of the points we raised above.

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