B2B Hunters

We worked together with the B2B Hunters team from Riyadh ( Saudi Arabia ) to create a social platform that would help sales agents find sales opportunities and companies find sales agents.

Location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Industry Social Networking & CRM
Services Responsive Social Web Application
Hero image
The Intro


A gap between Sales agents and company can be a major headache for companies, as it can cause inconsistency in sales leads, low satisfaction on the part of agents, and a general loss in trust.

B2B Hunters imagined having a cloud-based sales portal where sales agents and companies can connect with each other to find the best possible match in terms of products, services, location and more, which can help to bridge the gap and improve sales productivity. B2B Hunters is a social platform that connects companies and agents across the world

The Intro

Project Overview

B2B Hunters portal allows sales agents to access sales job data posted by various companies in one place. This way, they can stay informed of what is happening in their respective territories and take appropriate action. Additionally, it helps the companies to eliminate the need for hiring agents via multiple channels, which can be cumbersome and tiring.

In addition, B2B Hunters also wanted to build a community where they can post and showcase their latest work. This enabled the ease of hiring people in a group.

Implementation :


Discovery & Planning

The Noetic team started by gathering and preparing information for project planning. For years, the Noetic team's approach has proven effective, and each department has data-collection rules and procedures that enable the quality analysis of the project to avoid crucial mistakes in the future development process. This stage established a common view of the project and its future development.


UX design

In this phase, we focused on the technical architecture of the social component. We prepared wireframes for showing the look and usability of the entire social page. Before development, we ascertained that we understood how users would post and showcase their work, navigate to the job portal, search, and other essential functionalities.



At the project life cycle stage of development, all planned solutions became real features. Noetic’s certified developers created custom modules tailored to meet unique requirements.



Before the project went live, Noetic's quality assurance team performed unit testing to ensure that the whole app was functioning exactly as planned.


Support & Maintenance

Noetic offers additional services to our clients beyond the scope of a project’s development. We are committed to helping them succeed, and will provide maintenance after launch, as well as optimization and performance monitoring.

Featured modules developed

Social media platform
B2B Hunters allows users to post text, images, pdfs, and videos to showcase their journey. This can be anything from a personal story to a business venture. B2B Hunter also offers users the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals.
Job portal
Companies can post sales jobs and shortlist agents by viewing portfolios and cross verifying by having chat with them. Agents can also search for sales jobs and shortlist companies by viewing portfolios and cross verifying by having chat with companies.
B2B Hunters caters to a diverse group of people worldwide and has the perfect solution for businesses that need to reach a global market. This made B2B Hunters a reliable and affordable solution that can help you to expand your reach and communicate with a global audience

Technology Used

AWS Services :
AWS Amplify
AWS Amplify
Simple Storage
Service (S3)
Relational Database
Services (RDS)
API Gateway
API Gateway
Simple Emailing
Service (SES)
Simple Notification
Service (SNS)
Simple Queue
Service (SQS)
Amazon Lex
Amazon Lex

The Solution

B2B Hunters is an all-in-one business networking platform designed specifically for professional service providers and freelancers. We made it easy to use and helped B2B Hunters shine with intuitive design and presence. Connect with the best companies and sales agents from around the globe.


The Result

Noetic helped them achieve their goals by getting rid of Managing the Product Development, hassle free communication related to project requirements to our development team. We ensured the app has low downtime while scaling. We increased signups 5x

B2B Hunters got the initial funding from Prince Mohammed Bin Salman led “MISK entrepreneurship event” held on 14 December, 2021. B2B Hunters ranked as one of Top 50 MVPs.

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