What’s The Difference Between MVP and POC?

Written By
Ravi K Nair
Technical Content Strategist
Last updated at October 04, 2022
What’s The Difference Between MVP and POC?

What should an organization's strategies be if it wants to succeed? An organization must choose between the point of concept (POC) and the minimum viable product (MVP) to become profitable, which requires some complex considerations.


You're not alone if you want to understand the subtle differences between these two critical product development procedures. Both entrepreneurs and businesses find it challenging to distinguish between POC and MVP and to know when and how to use each.


Therefore, this article will cover the main distinctions between MVP and POC. So without further hesitation, let's compare the two models thoroughly.


What is Proof of Concept (POC)?


POC is essentially an execution strategy used to assess an idea's viability. This procedure is used to determine whether or not technological imagination could be used to create a product.


In the simplest terms, POC may be characterized as the process of validating an idea before it is turned into a functional piece of software. This is the stage carried out even before the development process has begun to determine whether a strategy is viable.


POC generally concentrates upon some more minor part of a software, maybe just a characteristic to evaluate its feasibility. POC stays within the organizational atmosphere, and the end-users will never bring the opportunity of utilizing it. It’s the easiest application version without an appealing layout and interactive interface.


Following the POC method aids organizations in obtaining information about the practicability of the product, which is eventually valuable in representing your innovative assertion to investors or stakeholders.


The Objective of POC:


  • Specify the possibility of an assumption
  • Discover the risks connected with the proposition
  • Save time and development expense
  • Draw stakeholders to invest in the project


What is of Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?


To construct a successful MVP, you must comprehend what demands make them successful. Further, a minimum viable product is an operational software solution created with a set of minimum features to satisfy the end-users essentials. It assists you in collecting information regarding market trends and customer choices.


MVP development furnishes proof for a product's enhancement in quite a brief time. It’s a scalable product, permitting businesses to experiment and introduce an upgraded software interpretation in the market.


By employing the MVP method, you achieve consumer feedback, identify the market preferences, and come up with the best product for the competitive sphere assisting you in completing the most profitable for your organizational advancement. 


It's a ruse to ascertain the customer's expectations and provide the product to satisfy their digital needs rather than release a subpar software solution.


The Objective of MVP:


  • Collect feedback from initial consumers
  • Lower product time to market
  • Save entrepreneurs from significant failures
  • Lessentime, development price, and other expenditures


Are MVP and POC Models the Same?


The above-explained depictions show that MVP and POC are not the same, even though they are pretty distinct from each other and utilized according to the project extent. Utilizing just one technique is unnecessary because a project with a complicated philosophy and development plans can potentially employ both in tandem. 


MVP vs. POC: Which one Should you Pick?


You should consider some of the following facts before picking the correct strategy for your business:


  • The customers you want to target via your digital resolution
  • The advantage of end-user operating your software or application
  • The standards validating your hypothesis
  • Your purpose in inventing the software product
  • Duration, funding, and resources approximation
  • ROI you like to cause through your innovation


If you are prepared with the answers to the above statements, then comes the time to select the correct method between MVP and POC for the prosperity of your company. The proper strategy for product creation, necessary for organizations wanting to be profitable, is mainly determined by the corporate and functional requirements.


When to Consider Proof of Concept (POC)?


  • When you desire to have a concept validated before investing your time and funds.
  • While generating an ingenious product, the one you are presenting for the very first time in the market.
  • When you have to demonstrate the feasibility of your hypothesis in front of investors or stakeholders.
  • When you require to encourage the development team with the practicability of hi-tech ideation.


When to Consider Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?


  • When the organization wants to link fast with its consumers via digital production.
  • To gather brief consumer reviews for the advancement of software solutions.
  • When you desire to gain client satisfaction by fulfilling their technological essentials.
  • When you expect to build according to customer conditions and market intentions.


When Should you Use POC and MVP Together?


The two procedures have specific purposes, but both could also be easily used in assortment with each other. When we stay clueless about the viability of a hypothesis soon being converted into a product using significant actions, terms, and resources, there comes the time to utilize POC.


POC is being developed within the organizational structure to learn more about an assumption's viability. Developing a Minimum Viable Product is the next step if the response is YES.


When creating an MVP, the goal is to create a usable but straightforward product that can be tested by early users and improved with their input before being released to the public.


MVP vs. POC: In One Glance




Proof of Concept (POC)

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)


To validate the technical workability of a hypothesis

To develop a product with minimal features to obtain validation from the initial clients for the collection of customer feedback to enhance the software before the final deployment.

Development Span

The estimated time POC can take to develop is Days.

The estimated time MVP can take to construct is Months.

Target Customers

POC is usually prepared to gain validation from the internal environment of the company or the development teams operating to learn the worth of a concept. Hence, POC is not presented to the public for testing goals.

MVP development aims to make the software solution available to the market's end users.

Frequency of Features 

POC could merely be a cutting-edge feature without a pleasing appearance intended to obtain confirmation from the internal environment.

MVP is a fundamental product with some vital features created to satisfy customer needs. 

Time, Struggle, and Development Price

POC is a time- and money-saving tactic used to prevent the wastage of priceless resources.

MVP is a primal resolution organized with the lowest utilization of time, struggle, and development expense to save startups from defeat.


POC is not a scalable creation; it’s only a tiny part of a project developed to examine the possibility of an idea.  

MVP is a scalable creation, beginning with the accessible version and having the capacity to grow with the changing consumer needs.

Risk Aspect

POC reveals risks linked with adapting an idea to digital truth.

MVP lowers risks since it makes customers' needs very evident and makes it simple for businesses to make logical decisions about product development.



Final Words


You evaluate your idea's viability through a proof of concept. In contrast, developing a minimal viable product entails developing a product that is ready for the market and will get input from early investors. Constructing a product that meets people's requirements and can be scaled in the future requires both phases.


Further, if you require an MVP solution for your upcoming project Noetic IT Services is always ready to help you at any stage, so contact us today to discuss your concept. 

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