Phases of Software Development Life Cycle

Written By
Ravi K Nair
Technical Content Strategist
Last updated at April 21, 2022
Phases of Software Development Life Cycle

The Software Development Life Cycle is a well-determined sequence of stages on the way of creating one or another piece of software that moves through the whole process of the development of a new software product.


Software development is split into many separate areas. The present post gives a brief but clear overview of SDLC, commonly known as the software development lifecycle. The general description of the main phases of SDLC is available below as well.


phases of software development


How to Arrange a Safe Software Development Life Cycle


The software development cycle includes all the phases necessary for creating a custom non-serial software product. The design and development of software are organized in a logical sequence from the very beginning of work. The typical phases of information technology projects, such as software development, are not defined. Each project is a unique process. Thus, the accumulation and sharing of experience are essential for this project's success.


Software development lifecycle phases are critical stages that make a software project entirely different from any other project outcome. The various models include the main phases of the software development life cycle, nonetheless. So, it is crucial to follow the software development lifecycle's several phases to schedule the software development process quickly.


Main Phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


However we choose to model the SDLC, the following stages are common to most models:


  • Requirement Analysis

As the initial phase of any SDLC, this typically involves a lot of communication with stakeholders. First, developers try to understand the goals for the new software. They'll complete some early discovery by analyzing previous software and then compiling a list of upcoming project requirements.


The software development process has several phases. In most cases, there are a series of steps that the development team follows so all relevant information is collected and requirements are established.


Software requirements are grouped into three main categories: user requirements, system requirements, and functional requirements. There are several ways to collect information about our users, including user surveys, consulting with third-party developers, and reviewing existing databases and libraries.


SDLC 1st phase of requirement analysis


  • Planning

Once the need for the product has been established, developers begin planning the development process. They assess whether it will be possible to create a product capable of meeting all of the requirements, and if so, how long this will take and what the likely costs will be.


The project team is trying to estimate when and why the product might become outdated or unnecessary and no longer competitive on the market. Additionally, all future work will only make sense if the project is cost-effective in estimating a proper ratio between the full development cost and the estimated project earnings.


In some cases, an expert analyst's involvement in the software development lifecycle wouldn't hurt. The planning phase helps evaluate whether the project is realistic cost and technical ability.


SDLC 2nd phase planning


  • Architectural Design

This phase is initiated by the client and completed before the actual development of the software product begins. It's about establishing basic requirements for the item, choosing an approach to its design and coding, deciding on a staffing structure, estimating budget and schedule, and so forth.


The very architecture of the product should be designed to a first approximation. This means that we will need to consider how the new project impacts both the staff and the organization. We will also have to precisely determine which new skills the end-users will have to use the product appropriately.


3rd phase SDLC Architectural Design


  • Build (programming)

When each requirement is carefully considered, and all the specifications are laid out, the software development team finalizes all the program concepts and begins writing code.


This phase's input data consists of the information collected during the research, analysis, design stages, and any additional customer-requested features. The logical and physical architectures are a representation of the present phase.


The programming of a computer program is the most important one among all software development life cycle phases. In some cases, the pseudocode generation is also included in it. A software engineer develops every micro-screen from the specifications and requirements.


SDLC 4th phase Programming


  • Testing

The testing process is the most critical phase of all software development lifecycle phases. It helps find and eliminate errors before a product releases to the consumers. These detections will ensure that the project can reach its objectives, getting a competitive advantage in the market.


It is important that every code written be tested to ensure its quality. Many different types of testing can be conducted at each stage of the software development life cycle.


SDLC 5th phase Testing


  • Software Deployment

A typical SDLC phase integrates the product with existing external resources, whether third-party libraries, databases, or other programs. The smooth operation of outside software within the product is paramount.


The deployment stage includes installing the product on the users' hardware and any in-field adjustments that it needs. We can ensure that everything works perfectly before the product is released or fix the problems once they start occurring.


SDLC 6th phase Software Deployment


  • Software Maintenance

In this phase, the software undergoes a thorough testing procedure to discover critical bugs and errors that could not be found at previous stages. In other words, maintenance proves the viability of the new product.


Before the software can be implemented, the user will undergo training. They will be given documentation and assistance by our qualified consultants for any extra information required. Software updates are released as new technology becomes available.


SDLC 7th phase Software Maintenance



Any well-managed project needs to follow a software development life cycle from requirements analysis to software maintenance. Considering today's best practice, this approach will help you complete tasks faster with less cost.


You want your project to be completed smoothly and on time. If you are looking for professional software development process consulting, contact us today.


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