How To Speed Up Your Web App Performance?

Written By
Rakhi Sethi
Last updated at August 12, 2022
How To Speed Up Your Web App Performance?

The importance of improving a web application's performance increases with its concurrent user count. Modern consumers choose lighter, faster-running applications with better response times.


The consequences of having web apps that aren't operating at their best can be severe. You will inevitably lose website visitors, and any business will suffer if consumers are lost during the selling process.


That is why optimising the performance of your web application should be your top priority. To help you with this, we will explain some of the best techniques in this blog post, so continue your reading. 


Optimise Media Components


Most of the data is typically used by the media elements in a web app, whether an image, a video or an audio file. 


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However, it is the simplest to identify and fix. Additionally, it will significantly enhance your web app's performance with little work. All these three media elements share a characteristic that we refer to as CCR, which stands for compression, cache, and rebuild.


Employing Load Balancing


The load balancing objective is to spread the load between numerous application server instances. Multiple load balancing strategies exist that you can employ to do load balancing on a hardware and software level. 


Do Network Caching


Another method that can aid you in enhancing the latency and throughput of the web application is caching. A cache is a short-term data repository where you can save previously fetched data for quicker access in the future. 


Static assets or those that change infrequently, such as images, JavaScript files, and CSS stylesheets, are incredible options for caching. Operations that need a lot of computation are another potential for caching.


Optimise Content Delivery Network (CDN)


Carrying all your static resources to the content delivery network (CDN) is a straightforward method to tweak more performance of your server.


When static assets, such as photos, are cached or saved at the CDN level, speed is improved since the assets only need to be loaded once before being provided to hundreds or thousands of users. 


Providing static material from your web server consumes time, bandwidth, and threads you could use to provide dynamic content.


Take Benefit of Key Metrics


You can use critical metrics to discover sources of high utilisation and better target your optimisation measures. Indexing metrics on cache functions, questions, and remote calls allow you to find the blockages within your systems quickly. 


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Once you’ve found the distinctive problem areas, you can target your modification efforts at general issues instead of trying to enhance your web app performance without a definite direction.


Maintain Your Web Server Up to Date


The main focus of web app scalability is server-side optimisation, which depends on how quickly the server processes requests. For your web servers, it's generally a good idea to keep fixes and upgrades fresh as this preserves both function and safety.


Use Edge Computing


An efficient solution to relieve your web servers of the workload is to use serverless technology, which enables you to run code at the network edge.


Edge computing makes use of a CDN's numerous edge servers. The spread of these servers across the globe was done to lessen latency and bandwidth usage.


Without necessarily touching your primary web servers, edge computing's magic is in its ability to transform this network of servers into another platform on which you may run your code.


Utilisation of HTTP/2 


HTTP/2 is the latest update of the HTTP protocol. Despite its recent creation, this protocol can effectively address various performance issues with online applications. The key benefit of this technology is the speed at which multiple files can be loaded simultaneously.


Database Modification 


You should do it if you can modify the database structure without any severe invasion into the portal's code. To identify weakening requests, you have to gather statistical data concerning portal downloads for an extended period, and then you can analyse the record to fix it.


Have Eye on Primary Web Vitals


Ensure that elements like page speed are not impeding your progressive web application. Your web app's success depends on identifying and making sure that basic web vitals maintain a high level during times of high traffic.


Elements like interactivity, loading speed, and the stability of website content are crucial for fundamental web vitals. Each of these metrics focuses on a particular aspect of the user experience and may be measured and quantified to determine the conclusion impartially.


Keep Better Design


You can enhance your web app performance by having a better website design. Most websites include too much content on one page that irritates visitors, for example, pop-ups sprinting everywhere, videos playing without permission, ads popping up everywhere, etc. With such a design, you may lose numerous customers. 


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Therefore, you can employ three simple rules to have an attractive design of a web app, such as: 


  1. Reduce the content you display to the user at once, and take the bare minimum of action. For instance, you should only exhibit one post at a time in your social media application. It means you need to fetch and show a small quantity of content.
  2. You can show the skeleton of the page's content before the page loads entirely. When we speak about the performance, your users must feel that your web app is fast. Making your users wait will deliver a wrong impression.




Improving the performance of your web application is a skill. A balance between graphical and technical design should be essential to your app’s interpretation. 


We hope the practices shared in this guide will help you immensely. Also, feel free to contact Noetic IT Services if you have more queries, and we will be more than happy to respond to them.

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