How To Create Scalable Web Applications?

Written By
Ravi K Nair
Technical Content Strategist
Last updated at October 19, 2022
How To Create Scalable Web Applications?

Scalability is crucial for modern web applications. A good web application must function properly, be scalable, accommodate an increase in users and load without service interruptions, and provide users with a beautiful experience regardless of the number of users.


If you are an entrepreneur who plans to see considerable business growth with easy strategies, you must understand how to create scalable web applications.


Hence, this article will help you understand why scalability is essential, the critical elements to consider when creating scalable web applications for your business, and much more.


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Why is Web Application Scalability Important?


In today’s time, people expect lightning-fast load time, 24/7 accessibility, and minimal disturbances to the user experience, no matter whether numerous other people are trying to use your web app. 


If your app isn’t developed correctly and cannot manage augmented users and burdens, individuals will inevitably leave your app for more scalable apps presenting a better user experience. Scalability is an integral element of software because:


  • It affects an organization’s capability to meet ever-modifying network infrastructure needs.
  • It can drive service disruptions that move customers away if the business’ development outpaces its network capacities. It is vital to ensure that you are keeping increased availability as it will assist you in keeping your consumers happy.
  • If you encounter fewer requests during the off-season, you can downscale your network to decrease your IT prices.


Too frequently, organizations generally focus more on features and smaller on scalability. However, scalability is fundamental to the life of any web app, or it will entirely fail to function. Prioritizing it from the beginning leads to lower maintenance expenses, better user experience, and increased agility.


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What is Web Application Scalability?


Scalability defines a system’s elasticity. Application scalability is the capacity of an app to bear a growing count of users and load without compromising implementation and causing troubles to user experience. In other words, scalability recollects the software's ability to expand or modify with the user’s needs.


The purpose of scalability is to ensure that your user experience stays steady nonetheless of the count of people utilizing your app. When speaking about scalability in cloud computing, you might hear about two significant ways of scaling, i.e., horizontal and vertical.


  • Horizontal Scaling (Scaling Out) - Horizontal scaling directs to adding further nodes or machines to your infrastructure to manage new requests. 
  • Vertical Scaling (Scaling Up): Vertical scaling is the process of increasing the power of your present equipment to fulfill demand, as opposed to horizontal scaling, which involves adding more nodes or machines.


Vital Things to Consider in Creating Scalable Web Applications


Now that you comprehend what web app scalability is and why it is necessary let’s examine the following steps to create scalable web applications.


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Evaluate the Need for Scaling & Managing Anticipations


Don’t try to enhance scalability when you don’t require it. Scaling might be expensive. Thus, make sure that your anticipations of scaling justify the costs. A few things that can aid you in deciding are the following:


  • Gather data to confirm your web app sustains your growth strategy. 
  • Your storage method, whether the web app is flexible for size transformations.
  • Specify options you will have if you encounter an extreme expansion in user and information traffic.


Employ Metrics to Determine Your Scalability Challenge


Let's say you now need to scale your online application. You must choose the scalability concerns on which you should concentrate. These four scalability measures can be used to accomplish this:


  • Memory Utilization is the count of RAM a separate system uses at a particular unit of time.
  • CPU Use - Elevated CPU usage typically shows that your app is encountering performance problems. 
  • Network Input or Output - It directs the time expended transmitting data from one followed process to another. Confirm the instances that ruin the most time.
  • Disk Input or Output - It guides all the processes that transpire on a physical disk.


Pick the Tools to Check Application Scalability


You require app-monitoring tools to keep track of the metrics that are connected to the metrics you have chosen to concentrate on. The process is simplified by the effectual application monitoring options provided by well-known PaaS and IaaS solutions.


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Use the Appropriate Infrastructure Options for Scalability


If you are a startup making a web app employing a PaaS or IaaS is advised since cloud services manage many factors of web app development and supervision. 


These components include the execution environment, servers, networking, database, middleware, infrastructure, and memory. PaaS and IaaS offer auto-scaling in addition to durability and availability SLAs, which can simplify scaling.


Choose the Correct Software Architecture Design for Scalability


Assumably one of the most critical elements of app scalability. The scalable architecture facilitates web apps to adjust according to the user's request and deliver the best performance. Hence, architecture problems can greatly influence scalability. 


  • Monolithic Architecture - It is made in one extensive system and one codebase. Monolithic architecture is an excellent option for small apps since it presents the benefit of having one single codebase with numerous features. However, it can fastly become cluttered and out of control when the application develops with different qualities and functionalities.
  • Microservices Architecture - Microservices are designed as a collection of small services, each with its codebase, instead of monolithic architecture. Therefore, each service has its logic and database and performs the necessary activities. There are no rigid reliances of the modules in the microservices system, driving it flexibly.


Read Also: How to Select the Correct Web Application Architecture?


Select the Right Database to Scale


The database is a practical point to concentrate on when speaking about scaling. The database you pick will rely on the data sorts you require to keep, indicating relational or unstructured. No matter which type of database you choose—relational or unstructured—it should be simple to include in your project.


Selecting the Appropriate Framework for Scalability


Framework selection impacts how well an app scales when more features are added because frameworks significantly affect this. You have a lot of alternatives depending on the programming language you choose.


For example, you can pick frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, Node.Js, etc., to build scalable web applications and run complex projects. 


Also, remember that the success of your app scalability will hinge on how well you select large-scale infrastructure and architecture practices for assets.




As you've seen, developing scalable applications presents various issues and difficulties. But scalability is crucial if you want your company to be successful and create a product that satisfies expanding market expectations. Your apps should be designed with scalability in mind because of this.


If you are looking for a professional and reliable web application development partner for your project, Noetic IT Services can serve you immensely, so contact us beforehand. 

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