How to Choose a Tech Stack?

Written By
Ravi K Nair
Technical Content Strategist
Last updated at April 21, 2022
How to Choose a Tech Stack?

Before you write a single line of code, you'll need to select the technology stack for your app. A wrong selection might cause severe consequences for your business, as it may take months to change it.

A tech stack is a collection of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, patterns, servers, UI/UX solutions, software, and tech stack tools to build a web or mobile app.

When selecting a tech stack for your project, you'll need to consider various factors so that you can quickly narrow down the number of options available to you.


How to Choose a Tech Stack for your Project?


Apps have two software components: client-side and server-side, also known as frontend and backend. Each layer of an app is built using the features mentioned earlier, creating a stack.


Front-End Tech Stack


Front-end development is the interface responsible for enabling a user to interact with the app. It's mainly used to provide access and an enjoyable user experience.


For Web


HTML provides a structural framework, and CSS adds design. These two work together to make web pages correctly displayed in Web browsers, which show the structured content.


JavaScript is a programming language that enables client-side scripts to personalize and add functionalities to a website. Many libraries such as jQuery, Bootstrap, and Slick fit into frameworks such as Angular, Vue.js, and React.js used to improve functionality in the user interface.


For Mobile


Mobile frontend development is based on HTML5, JavaScript, Ionic, Cordova, PhoneGap, and Xamarin.


The technology stack for developing native apps consists of platform-specific programming languages for Android and iOS. These include Java and Kotlin (Android) and Objective-C and Swift (iOS), which enable developers to make full use of the device features such as cameras, accelerometers, and geolocation.


Back-End Tech Stack


The technology stack ensures that the website's features respond correctly to each user request and that they function correctly. This includes programming languages, server-side frameworks, operating systems, databases, and APIs. Business logic, hosting, and deployments are also involved in the technology stack.


Java and .Net are typical examples of backend stacks. However, there is a host of other programming languages and frameworks to choose from. PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, C++, C




Middleware is a deployment tool that supports applications. It includes tools that facilitate communication between web apps and platforms and offers additional functionality such as content management, development environment, security, scalability, and performance.


Main Reasons to Consider When Choosing a Tech Stack


1. Personal Requirements


First, you have to pick a programming language. Some languages are better for some kinds of problems than others. For example, Java's great for projects with complex business logic that need to run reliably on any device.


Building a promising app requires you to consider the complex needs of users and focus on performance. A standard platform allows you to deploy your code and apps and eventually utilize your infrastructure to focus on improving performance. Startups have limited resources, so significant performance improvements might not be worth the cost until you reach a more extensive user base.


2. Scope of Project


You might need to quickly build up a minimum viable product (MVP), present it to the customer, and get valuable feedback. You might use simple tools and open-source platforms to reach that goal.

For medium-scale projects, there is a greater level of technical requirements needs. Depending on the functionalities, they may require several programming languages and frameworks. Such projects call for more advanced technologies capable of delivering sophisticated functionalities.

Social networks like Facebook, online marketplaces like Amazon, ERP systems, and other complex systems are developed with various programming languages and frameworks.


3. Time to Market


A Minimum Viable Product can be a very good option if you need to get your project out there quickly. Using an off-the-shelf product can save you time and effort in preparing for market entry. For instance, you can save much time by using the Ruby on Rails framework that provides access to a set of basic libraries.


Being modular, you can add functionality to your application using third-party integrations and avoid writing the code from scratch. This saves you time on your search for developers who can provide these additional features and makes it easier to find well-documented and reliable technologies for your project.


4. Scalability


If your business multiplies, you should invest more time thinking about the tech stack of your application. For instance, the technology you use will not have enough potential to scale up if it performs poorly or faces challenges like the network and storage capacity.


5. Security


When building an app, it is vital to ensure that the app is safe. The tech stack can do this with thorough security testing of both your client and server-side. Consider which technology might help you best, as some technologies are more secure than others.



Bottom Line


Due to differences in the nature and structural framework of web and mobile applications, the backend tech stack differs from one platform. It is not easy to use a single reusable stack. The technology stack used for app development depends on various things such as budget, deadlines, timeline, project size, etc.


Our team of highly skilled developers can help you assess the requirements of your project and suggest the best tools to develop a scalable and highly functional app that will beat the competition while saving you money. Get in touch with us.


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